イギリス 5ギニー金貨 U.K 5 Guineas

イギリス 5ギニー金貨 U.K 5 Guineas


ジョージ2世のプルーフ5ギニー金貨は1729年と1731年に発行されましたが、いずれも稀少度はR4(推定現存数10~20枚)と少ないものとなっています。 * NGC PF55 *

5 Guineas Gold coins were issued intermittently from the middle of the 17th century to the
later 18th century , but their extant numbers are less than 5 Pounds Gold coins which issued after 19th century.
5 Guineas of George II in proof issued 1729 and 1731, but both have a rarity of R4 ( estimated extant 10 -20 pieces ) * NGC PF55 *

Price:P.O.R RankC(Please refer to the following)
P.O.R Rank価格お問い合わせランク
A Over 25 Million YenA 2,500万円越~
B Over 10~up to 25 Million YenB 1,000万円超~2,500万円
C Over 5~up to 10 Million YenC 500万円超~1,000万円
D Up to 5 Million YenD 〜500万円

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